Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crystal Bridges, Revisited

It's been a year since Crystal Bridges opened.  Since we had no schedule conflicts we decided to take a day to revisit the museum.

The aluminum tree in front of the museum gives a wintery feeling. I don't have any information about the artist or the piece itself.  I need to do some research.


The exterior of the facility has changed.  The water feature has been installed. 





The entrance is an example of conflicting directions: 






There were less people in the museum on this visit,  but it wasn't empty by any means.  There was a class field trip and  some families and a number of individuals.  Each room had one or more volunteers to help answer any questions visitors had.

Claes Oldenburg's Alphabet/Good Humor is in the coffee shop-restaurant.

Thomas Moran painted  scenery from the American West. I saw an exhibit of his work at the Philbrook Museum in Tulsa  years ago when I attended an exhibit of Turner watercolors.

Kindred Spirits by Asher Brown Durand

Ecorche Relief of The Horse Josephine. Thomas Eakins. Eakins' bronze horse is very different compared to the more contemporary Redstick (see below).

Redstick. Bronze.  2007. Deborah Butterfield

Red Flower by Joseph Stella.  The image seemed much brighter then it appears in the photo.
Dale Chilhuly. Neon Sculpture. This was part of an exhibit featuring works of light.

Old Barn of Sheephead Bay Oscar Bluemener.  For some reason, this work reminds me of Van Gogh.

 The Modern Art room had  works by Andy Warhol, Alexander Calder, Roy Lichtenstein.
Another exhibit featured works by  Crystal Bridges architect Moshe Safdie. This is a model of the National Gallery of Canada.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Projects

New Projects

I've been busy with several online classes. I just finished Cindy Moyer's Violet Shadows .  It was a three week class and gave me an opportunity to experiment with Glimmer Mist and Creative Paperclay.  I had most of the basic materials on hand (a benefit of doing a lot of  projects.  

More recently I've been involved in a 5 week class with Susan Barmore Steampunk WenzelIt's been a lot of fun.  I am still working on the truck, a task involving foam core, poster paper,  a soda can, wooden wheels, acrylic paint, alcohol based inks,  metallic tape, and spray paint.  Here's the project about two weeks into the class:

I enrolled for Noel, Lillian and Max, and Making Animal Pull Toys. Each class teaches me something new and I've enjoyed them all.